Sunday, June 22, 2014

Strawberry Cake Donuts

Its funny today is my wedding anniversary and one of the things my husband would always do on our anniversary is go buy some donuts and bring me back a HUGE Starbucks coffee....that's love right there :) So, since he's deployed right now, I decided to continue the tradition and have donuts this morning, who doesn't like donuts?

I have tried different ways to make donuts, but my favorite is to use a box of cake mix, because Sunday mornings, even I can be a little lazy ;-)

This morning with the help of my chef/baker in training we made strawberry glazed donuts.

Its an simple and easy recipe, that my 9 year old loves, because she gets to do almost all the work...what a way to bake, right?

Cooling after baking.


1 cup milk
1 stick of butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 box of cake mix ( we used Pillsbury Strawberry)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Grease a donut pan and set aside. In a large bowl, beat your eggs, milk and melted butter. Add the cake mix. Stir until moist, don't over mix the donuts will become harder.

Spoon the cake mixture into the donut pan and bake for 12 to 15 minutes. I baked mine for 12 because my oven runs a little hot.

The glaze we made for the donuts are really simple too.

1/2 cup powdered sugar/confectioner's sugar
1 to 2 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Add all ingredients into a bowl and whisk together.

Now, after we had baked the donuts, let them cool so we could dredge the donuts in the glaze my little baker decided to decorate with sprinkles. Feel free to add your own flare. They are, after all, your donuts.

The finished product.

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