Thursday, May 29, 2014

Chicken Fried Steak with Smokey Spaetzle

Normally on soccer practice nights we have quick meals since practice starts before dinner and ends after our normal dinner time, but tonight was an exception to that rule. Tonight the kiddo wanted chicken fried steak and she was lucky that I happened to have some cube steak on hand.

OK, here's what you'll need

2 to 3 cube steaks. ( I get the pack of 2 when the hubby is deployed)
1/2 cup flour
2 tbsp. Grill Mates Sweet and Smokey Rub
1 tsp. ground chipotle chile
pepper to taste ( I love pepper so my flour mixture gets A LOT!)
2 eggs
1/3 cup milk

Beat the milk and eggs together in a shallow dish.

On a large plate whisk together the flour, the rub, the ground chile, and pepper.

Dredge the cube steak in the flour, then in the egg, then back in the flour mixture. Continue with the remaining cube steaks.

In a large pan heat up vegetable oil to 350 degrees.

Once the oil is hot. Place a floured steak in the oil and cook for 3 to 4 minutes then flip. Continue with remaining steaks. Drain the steaks on a paper towel lined plate until ready to serve.

Spaetzle is a German dumpling and boy does my kiddo love it...almost as much as she loves Mac and Cheese.

For the spaetzle I used a bag of dried spaetzle from the store. I haven't built up the courage to try to make my own (I'm not German, so I might muck it up)

You'll need

1 bag of dried spaetzle
1/2 stick of butter
2 tbsp. Grill Mates Sweet and Smokey rub

Cook the spaetzle according to the package directions. Drain the water from the spaetzle, return to the pan.

Add the butter and the rub. Stir until the butter is melted.
Voila! Dinner is done.

Normally, we do have gravy with the chicken fried steak and we normally have mashed potatoes, but my 8 year old was freaking hungry after soccer so I had to make dinner as fast as I could.

If you try the spaetzle, let me know how you like it. :)

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