Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Chicken Doggie Treats

I like to spoil my furkid, Harley. So I make a lot of dog treats at home, its fun when the kiddo helps out and its even more special when the dog likes the treats you make her...I think its the love that goes in to the biscuit.

She normally doesn't get a lot of chicken treats so this time I decided to do something different and make her some chicken flavored doggie biscuits.

Here is what you'll need.

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 cup reduced sodium chicken broth

Add all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and mix until well blended. It doesn't take too long

I used metal dog bone cookie cutters (you can find them on Amazon) on a baking sheet in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes.

Place on a cooling rack and let cool for 30 minutes. Store in the fridge in an air tight container.

The will be softer than store bought biscuits, but your dog will still love them.


Also, if you like the crunchy dog treats. Once the biscuits are done baking you can dry them out a bit by placing all your baked biscuits on a baking sheet and placing them in the oven at 350 degrees and turn off the oven. Leave in the cooling oven 4 to 6 hours to dry out.

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