Thursday, May 29, 2014

Strawberry Freezer Jam

I don't know about you, but I freaking love jam. Its delicious on a sandwich, its delicious on toast and biscuits. Sure we could buy jam and jelly all the time, but where is the fun in that. This here, is how I make my freezer jam. It is uber simple and uber tasty when done.

Now, if your kids are anything like my little one, they will think they are king/queen of the world with homemade jam on their sandwiches at school...its ok, let them brag about how awesome their momma is.
Here is what you'll need to make the yummiest jam around.
2 pints strawberries (I buy the 2lbs pack because, well, we love strawberries)
4 cups sugar
1 box of SureJell Premium fruit pectin. (If you want to use a sugar substitute you can use SureJell for Less of No Sugar Recipe Pectin)
2 bowls
A potato masher
Measuring cups
1 pot
3/4 cup water (I use filtered, but tap is fine)
Remove the tops of the strawberries, slice into a medium to large plastic or glass bowl. I use plastic to crush the strawberries. Have a 2 cup measuring cup on hand. Use the potato masher to mash up the strawberries. Elbow grease will be needed, but its nice to let out some pent up feelings....oh we all have them.
If you choose to use a food processor, you just want them finely chopped. Do not puree.
You will want to spoon your mashed strawberries into your measuring cup. If you have less or more strawberries than 2 cups you will have setting issues..I learned that the hard way, the very first time I tried it to make freezer jam I ended up with strawberry soup. If you have left over mashed strawberries mix some up in plain yogurt, have a snack, its about to get a little warm in the kitchen.  
Pour the 2 cups of mashed strawberries into the second bowl. Add your 4 cups sugar. Again the measuring is important because too much or too little sugar makes for problems will be soupy also. Stir in all the sugar and stir it real good. Let it sit for roughly 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Now the hot part. Mix your packet of SureJell and 3/4 cup water in a pot. Bring to a boil on high heat ( yes high heat). Stir constantly, once its boiling let it boil for 1 minute on high heat while you stir and stir...your hand will get hot.
After 1 minute pour the SureJell into you strawberry sugar mixture and stir it in until most of the sugar crystals have dissolved. About 3 minutes.
OK now the hard part is over....all that's left is to pour your jam into prepared container. I use the plastic freezer containers. leave about 1/2 inch of space at the top, the jam will expand. Let it stand at room temp. for 24 hours.
Here is the awesome part. The jam will last in the freezer for up to a year and 3 weeks in the fridge.


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